This is a critical period of development as increasing independence places increasing strain on the puppies bodies. Congenital defects not apprent before can become apparent as the puppies reliance on their mother decreases. This is also a key period for socialisation as puppies are now able to see and what is going on around them and react to each other, their mother and people. This is the time when puppies learn what it means to be dogs and develop the social and interactive skills needed to be good canines. Handling and grooming form the basis for a good human/canine relationship Over this period puppies gain control of their body temperatures which by 4 weeks of age should be about 100 degrees F (37.5 degrees C) At about four weeks of age the reflex which causes urination and defication as a result of anal and genital stimuation ceases and puppies begin to squat to eliminate under their own control. By the beginning of this period hearing is already very acurate and puppies are increasingly learning the meaning of different sounds, puppies can be introduced to the early learing of simple commands by association with rewards. Puppies can begin to learn their names if these have been chosen. Four week old puppies making a meal of their first meal! Mobility increases thoroughout this period and the puppies learn to play simple hunting, sex and heirachy games. As puppies sleep less and their co-ordination and vision improves they become much more active. Primrose and her litter of 4 week old pups During this time character and personality become apparent and future development should be encouraged by creating a stimulating environment with toys and obstacles and exposure to a variety of sounds, and physical stimuli.The relationship with the mother changes during this period and increasingly mother will want to play with and chastise her offspring as she prepares them for adult life. At some point she may loose interest in the puppies and take no further part in their development. A stimulating environment encourages development This is the time when puppies first encounter the sights and sound which will become familiar to them throughout their lives. Exposure to household noises such as vacuum cleaners, radios, washing machines, telephones and so on should be encouraged and contolled exposure to family members including pets is important to lay the foundation of future relationships. Handling and grooming are very important thoroughout this time as is the discouragement of play-biting. Teeth are very sharp and playbiting should be discouraged The puppies are still at high risk of infection and precautions must be taken to avoid introducing disease as visitors to the litter increase. Some modern drugs allow puppies to receive their first innoculation at the end of this period thus hastening their immunity and allowing them to get out and about earlier. Puppies soon get the hang of weaning food! Puppies are wormed again during this time and weaning takes place as the puppies are introduced first to a puppy weaning formular, either propriety or home made and then to solid food.
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