Border Collies - The right puppy

The Great Athletes

Border collies need exercise and whilst it is not true that they need a 20 mile walk every day they do need an opportunity for a good run each and every day in all weathers.
These are not dogs for the idle or passive owner unless they are sufficiently ingenious to devise activities to satisfy their border collie's thirst for activity without exerting themselves. We make this point because we certainly know of border collie owners with disabilities, that prohibit them from engaging in physical activities but whose dogs lead a very satisfying and fulfilled life.
Provided with a ball, propelled a great distance by a tennis racket, to be retrieved many times over the period of an hour, two or three times a day the border collie will usually be physically satisfied but it is the mental stimulation provided by an ingenious owner which keeps the border collie sane. Agility practised for fun exercises the body, mind and excellent co-ordination skills of the border collie even when the handler is unfit or has limiting disabilities.


Border Collies need plenty of exercise

Playing "search" in the house, garden or on walks is excellent stimulation, just leaving the dog in a stay and hiding a favourite toy in an obscure place and then sending the dog to seek and retrieve uses the border collies brain, scent organs and, if the hiding place is well considered, physical dexterity. Teaching tricks such as "giving a paw", "roll over", "play dead" or "weaving" on a regular basis exercise the border collie' agile mind, develop your relationship with your dog - and impress friends too!

Remember the border collie is an all round dog who needs mental, physical and emotional stimulation to remain healthy, happy and well adjusted, depravation in any of these areas are unfair to the dog and likely to cause problems for the owner.

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The Ultimate Herder Consider the Border Collie


Border Collies
What is a Border Collie
Border Collies as pets
One "man" Dogs
Canine Genius
Bor(ed)er Collies
Ultimate Herder
Consider the Border Collie

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