Obsessive Dogs? As a breed border collies tend to be obsessive.
Border Collies can be obsessive It is always best not to make a game of chasing shadows or indeed any behaviour which is undesirable in the longer time. When not actually engaged in activities try to keep border collies as calm as possible to discourage excessive behaviours. Border collies are very attuned to movement, this is part of their inherited chase instinct and is what makes them such effective shepherds but this instinct can be quickly transferred to other objects if the herding instinct is frustrated. Often border collies will "chase" cars when travelling in a car, racing around in circles in the back of the car every time other vehicles overtake or are overtaken, this is distracting and dangerous. If this is a problem try travelling the dog in a crate either of the "airline" type where the dog cannot see out or in a normal "household" crate covered by a proprietary or home made cover. In any circumstances - do not encourage obsessive behaviour - it is not funny for very long.
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