Preparing for puppy.


Dogs can be great jumpers and diggers so good quality
fencing from the ground (or below) to at least 6' is best


Puppies are very small, very fast and very inquisitive they will squeeze through the smallest of holes and are accomplished escapologist. So before you even consider owning a puppy - check your fences. Fences need to be strong and in good repair, if they are damaged puppy may quickly find the damaged spot and chew , dig or tear a hole through which to escape.

Fences should be high enough to discourage your puppy from jumping even when full grown, if you don't want very high solid fences consider fencing to about 4' (about 1.5m) and add about another 2' (0.5m) of height with timber garden trellis. Fences must come right down to meet the ground and if possible, have chicken wire, block work or a concrete strip at the bottom sunk into the ground to discourage digging. If your puppy grows to be a serious jumper you may need to add about 4 foot of trellis, supported by fence posts overhanging the garden for additional security.

Pay attention to your front garden and access to the road; ensure the whole front garden is fenced and that you have a gate between the front door and the road. If this is not possible make sure that everyone understands that the door is not to be opened until Puppy has been put safely in a secure room or crate. If your puppy or dog escapes she could be hurt or lost, she could also cause an accident in which people or property could suffer and for which you would be held legally and financially responsible.

Preparing for puppy  backward paws Preparing for puppy  foreward paws
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