Preparing for puppy. Home Improvement
older dogs find it hard to cope with Another important matter when considering timing is any decorating or home improvement project in hand or planned for the near future. Puppies will chew and you will be both a very careful and a very lucky person if you manage to suffer no damage to your home in the first year of your puppy's life! If you are planning to redecorate any part of your home or buy new furniture to which your puppy will have access postpone the plans for a while. Puppies will chew and whilst a gnawed skirting in a room due for redecoration or a chewed cushion on an old sofa can be overlooked the same damage to a newly decorated room or brand new sofa is less acceptable - but both are just the same to a puppy! You will quickly know whether your new companion is likely to be an arch-chewer so put off any grand plans for your home until you have assessed her for a few months. |
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