Finding a Puppy
Homing Puppies

The breeder will want to assess you with their dogs

No breeder should ever breed more puppies than they can home in good, loving, permanent homes.

A good breeder will always have a waiting list for their puppies and if you want a puppy from the best breeders you may have to book a puppy from a litter not yet conceived or born .

You may have to wait a long time for a puppy from the
best breeders, her dogs will be pets first and foremost

A good breeder does not home their puppies lightly and will have many enquiries for every puppy they breed, a good breeder will carefully choose which homes are most suitable for their puppies from the would-be owners on their waiting list. Consequently a good breeder will want to know a lot about you, your home and your lifestyle, and will want to meet all members of the family or household with whom the puppy will live to assess the suitability of your home and household. A good breeder will want assurances as to how the puppy will be cared for, what company will be available for the puppy, whether the puppy will be respected and included, whether enough time will realistically be available for raising and socialising the puppy. The good breeder will want a lot of information and background before they add you to their waiting list - then you will have to wait for a puppy to arrive.

A good breeder will want to be sure about the homes in
which her puppies will live

A good breeder will take responsibility for every puppy they breed and be not only willing but insistant that they take back or assist in rehoming any dog or puppy whatever its age or state of health and either keep or properly rehome it if changed circumstances prevent your family from keeping their pet.
The various rescue organisations exist to help those dogs and puppies who for whatever reason are without adequate homes. They are not there to pick up the pieces left by unsatisfactory breeders who home puppies to inadequate owners and are then unwilling to take responsibility when those homes do not work out. Any reputable and dedicated breeder would be horrified at the thought of any of their dogs or puppies finishing up in rescue.

A well adjusted bitch should be happy for you
to gently handle her puppies

This does not mean that puppies should ever be homed on a "sale or return" basis or "warranteed" like cars or commodities, claims like these are unrealistic and undermine the responsibility that is inherent in owning and caring for any living creature, human, canine or otherwise, these warrentees remain the preserve of the dealer and puppy farmer who have no scruples about disposing of "returns". Any reputable and caring breeder would be appalled to see a dog they have bred, homeless, in danger of destruction or a burden on the hard pressed rescue services. The caring breeder will always offer a safety net to any puppy or dog of their breeding.

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