Bringing up Puppy
Bitches in Season

From the age or 6 - 12 months a bitch will start
having seasons usually twice a year unless spayed

If your puppy is a bitch and she has not been spayed (neutered) she will come into season usually once or twice every year. The first indication of your puppy coming into season may be a change in temperament, she may become moody or short-tempered.

As she comes fully into season she will produce a bloody discharge from her vulva, her vulva will swell significantly, at the height of her season the discharge will become clear and at this point she will usually be at her most fertile and at her most attactive to every passing stray and wandering dog in you area. This may mean that you finish up with a real problem on your hands.

A season usually lasts about three weeks and during this time the bitch will be sexually interesting to other dogs and may be sexually receptive. It is very important that no entire male has access to your bitch during this time or she is likely to be mated and produce unwanted puppies with all the mess, difficulties and risks to your bitch's health that that involves.

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