Dog Breeding Breeding Border Collies or Golden Retievers A perfect bitch? ![]() Good breeders will only breed from outstanding examples of the breed If you feel you should breed because your Border Collie or Golden Retriever dog or bitch has outstanding qualities that will produce outstanding puppies you will need to honest with yourself and seek the honest opinion of others. Most people believe their pet is perfect and everyone loves to be be flattered by friends and strangers in the street stopping to compliment them on "such a lovely dog" however such flattery is invariably in large part politeness and should never be regarded as an informed opinion. No one stops a stranger in the street to comment on how grotesque or strange their dog's appearance is and since most people regard their own dog as perfect, remember that someone who owns or once owned a very mediocre dog will regard all dogs of similar appearance as outstanding and may compliment you on the same. Similarly if you regard your bitches temperament as excellent be honest, can you trust her with all people, babies, young and old. Is she confident in all situations or is she sometimes fearful of strange places, people or situations, is she happy in the company of other dogs or is she shy and protective, even sharp, it is easy to make excuses about bad experiences with this or that, leading to antisocial behaviour but the truth is that the world is full of dogs with good temperament and unless your bitch is completely sound you should not consider breeding from her if you are going to try to home her puppies into domestic environments. Also bear in mind that although your bitch may have a good hip score, a clear eye certificate and a sound temperament other health problems that are not specifically tested for may also render your bitch unsuitable for breeding. Allergies, skin problems, cleft palate, epilepsy, cancer, hernias and so on can all be inherited, breeding should be done for the good of the breed not for personal pride or gain and a bitch should not be bred from unless there is every possibility that the puppies can expect a long and healthy life as sociable and well adjusted dogs in permanent, loving homes. |
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