Border Collie and Golden Retriever Photographs
Border Collie Album

Our albums contain a small selection of our photographs and artwork and we hope you enjoy sharing our special moments with us. Please do not steal our images
Some of these designs are included in our range of clothing, cards and gifts available from our online shop in the USA, to browse the store place click here.
Some of these images and a host of others are available as e-postcards for you to send to nice people who deserve them. See the links at the bottom of this page.
We can also provide high quality stock images for publication in print and for the web from our archive of several thousand Border Collie and Golden Retriever images, for prices and availability please e-mail us from here.
Please do not steal our images, if you would like to use an image, see the notes the bottom of this page.

Three of a kind
Deborah & Hercules
I want to play
Mr Fantastic
Cider in Snow
Esther & Daughter
Hercules & Daughter
Drawing Breath
Smile Please1
Race Time
Red Racer
Hercules & Son
Blue Sheepdog
In the Daisys
Petra & Esther
That 'll Do!
Over we go
Granny CIder
Daddy Hercules
Esther on the go
Get Deborah!
Full tilt
Family Portrait

Please remember that all our images are our own work and take time and effort to prepare and present, whilst we are happy to share them with you please respect copyright. Like all the images on this site these images are NOT shareware, freeware or royalty free, they are our property and may not be used without our express permission, to that end each image is watermarked using "Digimarc" technology to provide tracability and prevent theft. If you would like to use any image on this site please contact us, we usually allow images to be used by charities and recognised rescue organisations free of charge subject to conditions. In other cases images can be purchased for personal or commercial use or, depending on the content and visibiliy of a site, provided free of payment in return for links and credits.
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Golden Retriever Puppy Postcards

material on this site is copyright mastamariner© do not take or copy without permission