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Our Golden Retriever Puppies



Golden Retriever Jester Rhodes

Jester Rhodes


" He has a lovely nature.
You should feel really proud of breeding such perfect family pets."

Margaret Rhodes and family

Golden Retriever Dempsey Weller

Dempsey Weller


"He is a wonderful dog!...He loves the water and chases balls and hoops everywhere for the kids who adore him. He is a lovely family dog with a beautiful temperament and every one who meets him falls in love with him."

Nigel Weller and family

Golden Retriever Ben Newman

Ben Newman


"Ben is still doing very well...
He absolutely adores my grand daughter and will do all that she asks of him."

Maureen Newman and family

"Louie is great he's settled in really well and is eating everything in sight."

Melanie Penn

"He and Willow are like brothers and Louie is an
extremely loving and a generous dog"

Diane Penn and family


Golden Retriever Ollie Standline-Johnson

Ollie Standline-Johnson


" a very handsome and extremely affectionate doggy"

Lin and Mike Standline-Johnson

"Just a quickie to let you know that Georgie is settling down beautifully... She adores being adored and has been stroked by a large percentage of the population of Molesey"

Sue Langwade

Golden Retriever Sammy Thackray

Sam Thackray


"I would like to congratulate you on your breed line. Sammy is such a beautiful Golden with a face worthy of appearing on the lid of a chocolate, so beautiful, with a personality to match."

Roger Thackray


Golden Retriever Lucy Blizzard

Lucy Blizzard


She is often admired ... we can't imagine life without her now

Pippa Blizzard and Family


Golden Retrievers Kyle and Wallace Malcolm

Kyle and Wallace Malcolm


"Just a quick note to let know how our "little man" is settling in;
in a word he is brilliant"

Neil Malcolm

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