Retriever Puppies, Retriever Puppy breeder, Retriever Pedigrees, retriever pedigree information


Retriever Puppies born April 2012 from

Mastamariner's Navigator X Mastamariner Remus

Bred to combine two lines that have demonstrated their soundness, excellent temperament, health, apptitude for work and fine conformation, we expect very typical, gentle, sound and willing puppies.

Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents Great Great Grandparents
Mastamariner Remus
Mastamariner Potion Master Pinecrest Forest Rambler to Rayleas
Ch. Squadron Leader
Rossbourne Spring Love
Rayleas Megafolie of Pinecrest Canina Regency Cream
Chemisette Choice
Mastamariner Morse Code
Mastamariner Captain
Alibren Maestro
Mastamariner Gullviva
Murprila Magic Moments of Mastamariner
Canina Regency Cream
Chemisette Choice
Mastamariner Navigator
Mastamariner Captain
Alibren Maestro
Ch. Rayleas Caluimn
Alibren Uhura
Mastamariner Gullviva
Ch. Rayleas Dempsey
Bedeslea Evening Primrose of Mastamariner
Mastamariner Sea Harrier
Twilly Jonah of Mastamariner
Sh. Ch. Hillbeth Queens Diplomat of Twilly
Twilly Francesca
Bedeslea Evening Primrose of Mastamariner
Bedeslea Rhythm 'n' Blues
Bedeslea Amyrillis
Note; Sire's (father's) line is uppermost Champions are shown in red.
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